My mentor and instructor told me to buy a rose and shoot it in black and white. This is not my first class, but I can tell I will learn a lot from this instructor. So... on the way home from class, I eagerly stopped at Walgreens to pick up a rose. At home, I locked myself in the "kids room", which doubles as my studio. I got out my new light box, set my camera on manual, and got to work. As you can see from the above, I have a lot to learn. Everyone says you learn by experimenting and shooting. Ah patience... I am not known for having a lot of it.
I was proud of this one (below), but the rest of the class wasn't impressed. Most were suggesting that it would be more interesting if some of it were out of focus.
Most of them liked this one (below). I get it. Keep it simple. Composition, Light. At least I think I get it.
Next assignment: Keep shooting in B&W. Look around my house and take pictures to show interesting light. Good thing it's a sunny day.